Credits and Inspiration

Credits and Inspiration

People and groups who helped Mobius Paradox lift off... and stay up!

Of course, I could go on and on about how some obscure word uttered by some inane dweeb suddenly triggered my inspiration to start on Mobius Paradox, but I won't. That's not at all how it happened. I'm just here to list the people who give me lots of help, ideas, and inspiration. ...And mebbe a few people I'm a real big fan of. ::snicker::
Okay, here we go.


This is the guy that got me into computer art in the first place. He runs his own graphics company, doing animations and models for various clients. He specializes in science fiction and spaceships, so if you're in need of a good modeller/filmmaker, Pic-A-Card's the man for the job.
Pic-A-Card also made the model that I use for Mobius' ship, Crystal Runner,, from some sketches I made. Of course, since the ship's an integral part of the strip, I have a lot to thank him for. Therefore, all credit for modelling of Crystal Runner goes to Pic-A-Card. Cheers, mate!

Jean-Michel Jarre

Give his music a listen, and you'll be hooked. Jarre is practically the father of modern European electronic music. He can weave beautiful images into his spacey music like nobody's business. I've heard his music described in many ways, from "Trippin, dude!" to "What the heck is this stuff? It sounds kinda like Destiny's Child in space."
In short, Jarre's music is really the best stuff in the world. He can blend any styles together and make them work wonderfully. Give it a try, You know you'll love it.
The tracks "Oxygene 2," "Oxygene 4," "Equinoxe 3," and "Equinoxe 7" were the inspirations for the "Life" storyline. [Issue #4]

Autechre [Ae]

Now, Ae's music is really cool stuff. Unlike Jarre's spacey symphonies, Autechre has inspired much of my interior and spaceship designs with their eclectic, dark, and metallic music. If you're into really cool, wildly percussive, and otherwise really freaky music, you've gotta check out Autechre's stuff. You can pronunce their name any way you like. [I say Aw-Tesh-Ruh. They say Aw-Tek-Er.]
"Mcr Quarter," "acroyear2," and "Laughing Quarter" were inspirations for the bar/dance club scenes in "Ice Fishing."[Issue 1] "Bcdtmx" was the inspiration for the giant Europan shark battle scene from "Ice Fishing." [Issue 1]

Boards of Canada

Boards of Canada mixes both synthesized and traditional instruments for a match made in heaven. You can tell that a lot of emotion and work goes into their music, because all of their finished products are absolutely phenominal.
"Everything You Do Is A Balloon" was the inspiration for the Ganymede Station opening scenes in "Ice Fishing," [Issue 1] and "Alpha and Omega" was the inspiration for "The Drum." [Issue 7]

Amy Diziara/Saturn Girl/Death Kitten

Amy is probably the reason I'm doing this comic in the first place. She was the one who first introduced me to online comics. She was also a great help when I first set out to learn HTML. She encouraged me to look at the serious aspects of HTML, not the fun side. This was mostly with smart and sassy remarks about how overrated the marquee tag is [Hey, it was the first tag I learned, so sue me.] and her ceaseless reminders to use the lj-cut tag for quizzy-poos. [For any of you who are totally confused about this, just check out my LiveJournal and you'll see what I mean.]

Alton Brown of Food Network's "Good Eats"

I know, You're prolly asking yourself, "Why is he listing a cook? This is a sci-fi comic!" Actually, Alton Brown has encouraged me not to be afraid of having an overly scientific mind. Our minds are similar in the fact that we both want to know exactly why this makes this happen unless that is introduced exactly right. And when we find out we tell others so that they can revel in the joy of learning! MUHAHAHAHAHA*ahem.* I'll... just go over here... yeah. This is the reason I have factoid blurbs and a technical definition section. Also let it be known that he is the reason that both I and my character, Mobius, love to cook.

The gang at the Public Library for Union County in Lewisburg, Pennsyvania

I've been volunteering at PLUC since I was 12, and believe me, there's no place you can go to meet the most dynamic and fun people anywhere else in Lewisburg. They're always ready to give helpful critique, help me research technology I want to use, and offer ideas for characters and stories.

Nichole Macko

Ever since I met her, Nikki has been an example of courage, trust, and empathy that I wish everyone, including myself, could be like. She's studying for a PhD in child psychology at the moment, and I can't think of a better carreer for her. Her insightful and sometimes blunt commentary on life have helped me get through some tough times. She's always there for me, ready to give a shoulder to cry on and some sage advice. Here's to you, Nikki. Don't let the baby pygmy marmosets creep you out too much! [Inside joke. nyah! :P]


Undoubtedly the most enlightened people I ever met. Agoraphobia is a society of those with unique visions of life. The Agorans are witty, funny, smart, sassy, and the best friends in the entire world. We're always there for each other. Of course, you need special authorization to be an Agoran, for, as we have unfortunately discovered, bad apples really can ruin the whole barrel, and we can never be too careful. Whether we're exchanging jokes with the Goddess Mel, Laughing at the antics of DeathKitten and the chocomoos, or making complete fools of ourselves with word association, the Agorans really know how to party! Now all we need is a convention...;]


the gang at Scifi-Meshes have been with me since the beginning of my ventures into computer art. SFM has become a respected comunity of some of the finest artists in the world. With topics ranging from totally amazing to totally ridiculous, this place is like a giant frat party. Just make sure that you don't make the pimp ninjas angry. [See what I mean?]

That's all I can think of for now. Further bulletins as events/memories warrant.